SharePoint MVP
You may already have heard about it on social network, I’m a SharePoint Server MVP since April the 1st.
I’m really proud to be a part of this awesome community counting Microsoft technologies best professionals and great communities’ contributors.
This incoming year will be full of events, community activities and projects.
I would like to thank:
Jean-Sébastien DUCHENE: Enterprise Client Management French MVP for his advises and for encouraging me to become an MVP (I thought I was not good enough to make it).
Loïc REBOURS: Client Development French MVP for recommending me.
Vlad CATRINESCU: SharePoint Server Canadian MVP for his advises and recommending me.
Nicolas GEORGEAULT: SharePoint Server “Canadian” MVP for the same reasons.
New Blog
If you are here, you’ve already found it! Congrats!
It has been over a year that I’ve been posting in French and in English, trying to adapt to Canada.
But mixing everything is just a mess, so I decided to create a new blog.
**Is it the end of my French blog?**Not at all! Each blog will have pretty much the same content with some exclusive content on each one.
Why this name? I had to pick something different for this new blog. As I’ll be writing about SharePoint Server, Azure and Office 365 I thought this name made some kind of sense. In case Microsoft decides to rename again office 365, my backup explanation is “I’m fond of IT 365 days a year” ;-)
Will you make this blog look pretty? I’m far from being a designer, and I don’t have any specific designer skill (at all). Plus I don’t have much free time (I’m announcing this blog and my MVP award one mounth late…) so I’ll try but no guaranties.
I’ll try to republish all my previous English entries here, so see you around :)