Counting Down to ESPC20 Online
Guest on the Microsoft 365 Dev Podcast: Microsoft Graph Open Extensions and Calendering
Guest on the Microsoft Graph Community call (June): The Online Meeting Solution
Joining Microsoft as a Program Manager on the Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Build 2020 Microsoft Graph session recordings available
My personal experience as a Program Manager and switching back to development
New tutorial: build your custom provisioning solution for Office 365
One year as a Software Developer at Microsoft
Presenting at the MVP Showcase 2014
Recording available: Microsoft Graph September Community call - Provisioning demo
Revamping the Microsoft Graph Java SDK: a recipe to revive open-source repositories
Speaking at CollabDays Belgium 2022
Speaking at Granite State SharePoint Users Group
Speaking at Microsoft 365 Saturday Ottawa 2020
Speaking at SharePoint Fest DC 2019
Speaking at SharePoint Fest Seattle 2018
Speaking at SharePoint Saturday Calgary 2016
Speaking at SharePoint Saturday Houston 2019
Speaking at SharePoint Saturday Ottawa 2016
Speaking at SharePoint Saturday Ottawa 2018
Speaking at SharePoint Saturday Ottawa 2019
Speaking at SharePoint Saturday Toronto 2015
Speaking at SPBizConf
Speaking at the #Techorama Belgium 2018 about the #MicrosoftGraph