I am deeply honoured and humbled to announce I have been selected to speak at the Microsoft Build 2019, which will be happening from May 6th to 8th in Seattle.
The subject is going to be a bit different from my usual speaking area however, we will be talking aboutIoT, health and wellbeing.
Here is the abstract of the session.
Using IoT to improve people’s health and brain power
The office space is a hostile environment for our bodies and health. Back pain, brain asphyxia, drowsing and many more health related issues come cripple our workforce, having huge consequences on employee’s well being and their performance.
If things are slowly starting to improve with ergonomic desks, medical advisors and other initiatives, let us look at what technology could do to help us. Join Microsoft MVP Vincent Biret for a session on how you can leverage small and simple IoT projects to improve individual’s personal health and increase their day to day well being as well as overall performance.
Learn about Microsoft Azure IoT and serverless solutions through fun and odd demonstrations during this session packed with examples.
The Microsoft Build is a paid conference with dozens of sessions, mostly from the product teams, focusing on a developper audience. You can learn more about it and register here. I hope to see many of you there!