A few months ago I wrote a series of articles on how to set up a release pipeline for dnx/dotnetcore projects with vsts targeting azure web apps.
This series would require you to use a few scripts to build and publish the website executing them using powershell tasks in the build definition.
You don’t need to do that anymore because two new extensions are available on the marketplace:
I’ve been able to replace most of my scripts using VSTS DNX Tasks
Here are my old articles as a reference
/error-publishing-aspnet-5-core (replaced by the tasks)
/controlled-update-of-sql-datab (still applies if you’re delivering entity framework models)
/building-dnx-projects-using-ho (still applies if you have your own agent)
/units-tests-using-xunit-and-vi (still applies if you’re doing unit testing with xUnit)
Happy automating!