With DNX/DNU soon to be RTM there’ll be more and more developers eagers to build and deploy ASP.NET core 1 (formerly ASP.NET MVC 5) projects.
If the procedure is well described when you are using hosted agents (the ones microsoft runs for you on Azure), it’s a little more complex when you want to do it on a local agent.
On your agent’s machine you installed and updated visual studio and all the tools right?
First if all you’ll still need the prebuild script to get and install the needed runtimes. But once you have that in place you might run into errors like:
dnx.win32.dll could not be loaded. Last error: 126
This comes from the fact that by default the agent runs under Local System account (build 2015, not the xaml one) so it tries to install everything related to dnx here
But this folder is under system32 which is protected and this is what causes an issue.
The only valuable solution is to run the agent with a local service account (non administrator!). To do so ré-execute the configure agent script.
Have fun with build!